ELP Assessment: WIDA ACCESS for ELLs
Standard ELP Exit Criteria: 10.5 combined total score from WIDA ACCESS and two language inventories
Alternate ELP Assessment: WIDA Alternate ACCESS
Alternate ELP Exit Criteria: ≥ P2 composite proficiency score on two consecutive administrations of test*
*MLs with significant cognitive disabilities can also exit if they: achieve same composite proficiency score for three consecutive administrations of the test AND have IEP teams' recommendation
Exemptions for MLs with disabilities? Yes, MLs with disabilities can exit if they have: (a) an IEP, (b) been enrolled in language program for four years or more, (c) a WIDA ACCESS composite proficiency score has not improved by more than 10% in any two years of the three most recent test administrations, (d) been provided with appropriate language support, AND (e) a recommendation to exit from a school team.
Standard ELP Exit Criteria: 10.5 combined total score from WIDA ACCESS and two language inventories
Alternate ELP Assessment: WIDA Alternate ACCESS
Alternate ELP Exit Criteria: ≥ P2 composite proficiency score on two consecutive administrations of test*
*MLs with significant cognitive disabilities can also exit if they: achieve same composite proficiency score for three consecutive administrations of the test AND have IEP teams' recommendation
Exemptions for MLs with disabilities? Yes, MLs with disabilities can exit if they have: (a) an IEP, (b) been enrolled in language program for four years or more, (c) a WIDA ACCESS composite proficiency score has not improved by more than 10% in any two years of the three most recent test administrations, (d) been provided with appropriate language support, AND (e) a recommendation to exit from a school team.