ELP Assessment: WIDA ACCESS for ELLs
Standard Exit Criteria: ≥ 4.8 composite proficiency score*
*MLs can also exit if they achieve: 4.3 – 4.7 composite proficiency score AND "Basic" OSTP ELA assessment result AND 1 of 5 additional requirements on ELP Band Committee Rubric (Grades 2-12)
Alternate ELP Assessment: WIDA Alternate ACCESS
Alternate ELP Exit Criteria: ≥ P2 composite proficiency score in two most recent administrations of test**
**MLs with significant cognitive disabilities can also exit if they: achieve A3 – P1 range on two most recent administrations of test AND demonstrate growth over previous year achievement at the Essential Element level in the OAAP/DLM Reading assessment AND meet ELA progress requirement on the Alternate ACCESS for ELP Band Committee Rubric.
Exemptions for MLs with disabilities? No